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Cushions for 2021!

There are still a few places available to join us in making two fabulous cushion covers!

We'll begin on Thursday 21st Jan for six weeks.

We'd love you to join us - email me on to find out more.

And let me know as soon as possible which second cushion you want to choose so I can send you the right kit!

So here they are - our projects for the first Carry on Stitching of 2021!

Cushion One: Together we will all do the design I've called 'Jewel squares'. We start in the middle and work outwards - which is quite straightforward! I'll include in the packs a couple of optional strips so that you can choose the layout you like best around the central square. The example I've stitched gives a more rectangular look, but with some different colour placing, you can keep to a squarer look. Don't worry if that doesn't make sense - we'll talk about it when we get to that stage!

Cushion Two: You then have a choice of design for your second cushion... So you need to let me know ASAP which one you want to do so that I can send you the right kit!!

Your first choice is from an old traditional pattern called Variable Stars. This is a pattern that can give you a myriad of effects depending on the fabric. I've chosen a mixture of fabrics from Kaffe Fasset, Michael Miller, and other designers.

Your second choice is based on an old traditional Log Cabin design. In this one you create four Log Cabin blocks and then stitch them together before adding the outer strips.

(These photos obviously only show the front of the cushion - I've not put the backs on them yet!)

Let me know your choice! I'm really looking forward to seeing you all on the 21st!

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