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It's time for our Spring Stitching Fest!

We start on the 18th May for five weeks - and there's a few spaces still available!  Come and join us!

Over the winter we've made cushions and some fabulous window's quilts - as well as getting our knitting needles going.  

We're now busy planning our Spring Stitching Fest - and with all fingers crossed are hoping that three of our six meet-ups will actually be face to face!!!  

Go to the Blog (link above) to read more 

To apply or to find out more email me on 

News & Updates: Welcome

Getting Started was a great success!

Our first online group beat all expectations!

1st Nov 20:
Design done, pieces cut & packs ready to post!

Will this work online???
We'll give it a go........

So much to think about:


  • What to make that would be easy enough / but not too easy..?

  • Something topical, and useful?

  • A project we could complete in 6 weeks?

  • How about a 'how to' booklet?

  • Can we make the technology work?

  • How can we make it a friendly, welcoming & supportive place to be.........


19th Nov 20:  
We're off!

Two cameras!
Zooming with L plates!

We're all a bit nervous!  And we had a few  technical difficulties - but we got there - and we laughed together!  

The stitching had started!   


Each week saw our projects grow - some fast, some slower - but with friendship and encouragement, everyone made progress.


Well done everyone!!!


17th Dec 20:
It's nearly Xmas!

Projects finished or almost there.  
Even some ideas for 2021!

We did it!!  There was much delight at our achievements:  

"It's been really great"

"I never thought I'd be able to do it"

"It wasn't only the stitching - it was lovely to meet up with everyone each week"

 "I've made new friends!'

"Can we carry on next year?"


So we will!!!   See you all there!  

We'd love you to join us to 

Carry on Stitching in 2021!  

Send us an email to find out more.   

News & Updates: Courses

We Stitch Online

News & Updates: About

Learning about Learning

Share your passion!

Are you an experienced stitcher who'd like to share your skills with others?

We're currently developing a programme for you - due to launch in 2021! 

Working with a small group of others, you'll develop your knowledge, understanding & skills to help you: 

  • Understand the learning needs of your learners

  • Understand how to help people learn in easy steps

  • Plan a series of lessons to meet their needs

  • Tailor practical exercises to meet key learning outcomes

  • Think about practicalities and the importance of preparation

If that sounds interesting, I'd love to hear from you! Get in touch by emailing me at

Image 02-11-2020 at 16.51.jpeg

Share your skills - learn to teach!

News & Updates: News & Updates
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